I hope nobody's got an appointment with the optician coming up, because you might find yourselves freaking out when she asks you to read the little eye chart. Don your GM2020s, everyone... it's time to Just Say No Fun!
I hope nobody's got an appointment with the optician coming up, because you might find yourselves freaking out when she asks you to read the little eye chart. Don your GM2020s, everyone... it's time to Just Say No Fun!
I hope nobody's got an appointment with the optician coming up, because you might find yourselves freaking out when she asks you to read the little eye chart. Don your GM2020s, everyone... it's time to Just Say No Fun!
A perfectly flat floor, designed to stop children from running in the hallway. pic.twitter.com/gLcw6874ad - Antonio Corrales (@antoniocorrales) July 1, 2018
I hope nobody's got an appointment with the optician coming up, because you might find yourselves freaking out when she asks you to read the little eye chart. Don your GM2020s, everyone... it's time to Just Say No Fun!
Break the glass and expose the enabling code that will allow you to access the Doomsday Device, the Big Bang of Band Taste, because Nurse Nancy is coming your way...